1 Week on LCHF How Much Have I lost?
So this has been slow week as far as wanting today to get here to see how much I have lost. As far as the parts I didn’t think about that moment of today it was a normal week. I cooked for everyone including foods I cannot eat, I did have to taste a little bit, but I mostly finger tasted a teeny bit. Anyways this has been a pretty good feeling week!
My Grand Total Weight loss for the week was 8.2, when I first weighed in last monday I was 330.6 lbs and now I’m 322.4 lbs!
GO ME!!!
I have watched and learned a lot this week also. I spent a lot of time on youtube searching for recordings of Doctors and success stories and I’d like to share a few with you. Some people have told me what I’m doing isn’t good for me, but if it’s not why is it used for people who have intractable epilepsy, then what could be so bad if my big butt tried it. Considering I’m seeing results and never seen this kind of results before, I found it remarkable.
Low Carb, High Fat in practice – Dr Caryn Zinn @ Low Carb NZ 2014
A lot of people warned me about Ketosis and I that it’s bad, but really that’s the whole point. If you click the word Ketosis you can read a little bit about it.
This is from WikiPedia
Some clinicians regard restricting a diet from all carbohydrates as unhealthy and dangerous. However, it is not necessary to completely eliminate all carbohydrates from the diet in order to achieve a state of ketosis. Other clinicians regard ketosis as a safe biochemical process that occurs during the fat-burning state. Ketogenesis can occur solely from the byproduct of fat degradation: acetyl-CoA. Ketosis, which is accompanied by gluconeogenesis (the creation of glucose de novo from pyruvate), is the specific state with which some clinicians are concerned. However, it is unlikely for a normal functioning person to reach life-threatening levels of ketosis, defined as serum beta-hydroxybutyrate (B-OHB) levels above 15 millimolar (mM) compared to ketogenic diets among non diabetics which “rarely run serum B-OHB levels above 3 mM.” This is avoided with proper basal secretion of pancreatic insulin. People who are unable to secrete basal insulin, such as type 1 diabetics and long-term type II diabetics, are liable to enter an unsafe level of ketosis, causing an eventual comatose state that requires emergency medical treatment.
The anti-ketosis conclusions have been challenged by a number of doctors and advocates of low-carbohydrate diets, who dispute assertions that the body has a preference for glucose and that there are dangers associated with ketosis. The Inuit are often cited an example of a culture that has lived for thousands of years on a low-carbohydrate diet. However, in multiple studies the traditional Inuit diet has not been shown to be a ketogenic diet. Not only have multiple researchers been unable to detect any evidence of ketosis resulting from the traditional Inuit diet, but the ratios of fatty-acid to glucose were observed to be well below the generally accepted level of ketogenesis. The Inuit consumed as much as 15-20% of their calories from carbohydrates, largely from the glycogen found in raw meats.[26] Furthermore, the blubber, organs, muscle and skin of the diving marine mammals that the Inuit ate have significant glycogen stores that are able to delay postmortem degradation, particularly in cold weather.
Whether a no-carbohydrate diet would be safe for non-Inuit is also disputed: Nick Lane speculates that the Inuit may have a genetic predisposition allowing them to eat a ketogenic diet and remain healthy. According to this view, such an evolutionary adaptation would have been caused by environmental stresses. This speculation is unsupported, however, in light of the many arctic explorers, including John Rae, Fridtjof Nansen, and Frederick Schwatka, who adapted to Inuit diets with no adverse effects.
Schwatka specifically commented that after a 2- to 3-week period of adaptation to the Inuit diet he could manage “prolonged sledge journeys,” including the longest sledge journey on record, relying solely on the Inuit diet without difficulty. Furthermore, in a comprehensive review of the anthropological and nutritional evidence collected on 229 hunter-gatherer societies it was found that, “Most (73%) of the worldwide hunter-gatherer societies derived >50% (≥56–65% of energy) of their subsistence from animal foods, whereas only 14% of these societies derived >50% (≥56–65% of energy) of their subsistence from gathered plant foods,” suggesting that the ability to thrive on low carbohydrate diets is widespread and not limited to any particular genetic predisposition. While it is believed that carbohydrate intake after exercise is the most effective way of replacing depleted glycogen stores, studies have shown that, after a period of 2–4 weeks of adaptation, physical endurance (as opposed to physical intensity) is unaffected by ketosis, as long as the diet contains high amounts of fat. It seems appropriate that some clinicians refer to this period of keto-adaptation as the “Schwatka Imperative” after the explorer who first identified the transition period from glucose-adaptation to keto-adaptation.
No one can say it’s proven good or bad my own experience this far in has been Great! I mean I even had desserts during this first week. You just have to make sure you do not take in more than 20 net carbs, 0 sugars, but make sure to take in good fats. Not tons just enough to get you through without feeling hungry. When you eat more foods like low carb high fat it tends to ease the hunger, because I can eat the 4 thin small pancakes and it’s good, all I need for a while.
This diet forces the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates and that is why we start to lose.
ke·to·gen·e·sis (Dictionary.com)
[kee-toh-jen–uh-sis] Show IPA
noun Medicine/Medical .
the production of ketone bodies in the body, as in diabetes mellitus or low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets.
I plan on staying in the induction phase for at least 6 months! Why not ? I need to lose a lot more weight and I really want to. I’m tired of being the person I am today. I’m unable to move as good because of this weight that’s become a burden on myself mentally and my body. This last week has been refreshing and my initial goal is to get under 300 lbs, it’s been a while since I was there. After that goal I want to get to 250 lbs which would be amazing! My long term goal in the end will be 130 lbs
I guess I’m going to close this long post and say thanks to all who help motivate me on Facebook and thanks for reading
Go you for sure!!
We need to do what works for each of us
Holy macro, ten pounds is a lot!!!! Way to go and keep the numbers of lost up !!! Yeah, you rock!
You just keep up the good work. You are doing great. Glad you found something that is working for you. I will be happy when you hit that 250. From there is should be a breeze for ya.
I have a friend from the Philippines, who is into this diet. It was controversial. Her family was hesitant about it. She has been losing weight quick. It must be working.
You among others are the one that knows about yourself and your body, and if this thing works for you (obviously), so go for it.
Glad to hear of your weight loss journey. You go, momma! Go for a healthy and happy you!