When You Talk To “Healthy” People About Low Carb Lifestyle!
You know sometimes it really drives me batshit crazy when you’re talking to someone who feels they’re healthy and at a healthy weight. Some don’t even visit a doctor’s office, but yet because they’re thin they believe that’s all that matters and they’re “healthy”! I tend to disagree with this, I have known people who were cut and shaped nicely, good BMI, etc… They had high cholesterol, diabetes and had to use insulin. This isn’t healthy, smoking isn’t either, but I’m not judging anyone! We all learn at our own pace in this crazy thing we call life. I know I am slowly learning.
So when I am talking in general and diet comes up, because no matter what someone is always concerned with my health, cause I’m still a big girl. It’s like, HELLO! Look at yourself! I’m not the one! If I listened to the government and what everyone else tells me I should do, I’d never lost anything. Sadly, but my life…..
This lady was telling me how I should eat and I explained, that she should listen to how I am eating now. She laughed and said, “why, so I get as big as you?” I almost floored the bitch! Some people are so freaking heartless! I carried on, smiled and said No in a very maniacal voice. It’s not about weight loss for everyone, it’s about health in general. How you feel overall, I tried to explain a little about ketosis and holy crap! I don’t want to get sick she went on to say how she saw a commercial about that ketosis and if you took this medication, blah blah blah! I told her NOT Ketoacidosis and asked are you a type 1 diabetic? she said no. I said listen, just look up the health benefits of a low carb with a good higher fats type of diet. I told her to search for all the low-carb doctors too. We said bye and I walked away.
Phew glad that was over! As I was walking out of the business I have seen her light a smoke as soon as she went outside and headed right over to McDonald’s! I just thought…… Really?
Anyways, I tried to explain it to her the best I could, but I just wasn’t that successful! You just cannot win them all!
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