Why I Now Use Sucralose!
One reason is taste! I see people all the time saying that’s an artificial sweetener, don’t use that! Well let me just say that makes me ill! I think to myself about what I seen you eating in a photograph on FB, but yet you have the nerve to tell me about something artificial? Really!
I really find it pathetic so many people have an opinion on my diet and what I consume, it’s like I been so big my whole life, don’t you see a change. Funny because they say obesity is a side effect of sucralose! Really now? That’s the biggest crock of bullshit I have ever heard! If I eat something with sugar or sugar alcohols in it I GAIN! So tell me the facts again? *Sarcasm*
Since the beginning of March 2015, I have already lost over 10 lbs for this month. Yes, it’s the 24th now and the month is almost over, but I plan on losing more before the end of March!
I use sucralose whenever I drink coffee, I buy tea that’s sweetened with splenda too. I LOVE IT! You cannot tell me nothing to change my mind or make me use something else now! Besides all these people who come at others with negatives about sucralose needs to realize that it’s all FDA Approved! So we just fear everything! I mean look at all the stuff that’s reported later with problems, diseases, syndromes, etc….
I will now continue to use splenda it’s the only artificial thing I consume and truthfully I don’t give a rats ass what anyone thinks! Point Blank! What’s not bad these days?
I guess too one of my points are this, a diabetic is at the grocery store and they see all these safe for diabetic and sugar free products and it’s a lie! Splenda doesn’t raise your blood sugar, it’s not sugar or derived from sugar like sugar alcohols are! These products aren’t safe that say Great for Diabetics or Sugar Free! Read the ingredients! There are tons of names for sugar and sugar alcohols!
I started using stevia and honestly I did really like it, but I couldn’t keep losing weight because I had to use sugar alcohols to kill the bitterness of it. I did taste a bitterness it wasn’t always that bad, but in some things I just couldn’t get past it. So I used syrups that were made of sugar alcohols and I’d stall on my weight loss.
Now I make my coffee and add liquid sucralose and HWC, add ice and it’s the best freaking coffee ever! We all have our own struggles and we shouldn’t judge each others choices! What works for me may not work for you and what works for you may not work for me! Our body’s maybe built the same, but they do sometimes work differently. I have read everything I could about sucralose. Honestly just keep feeding your kids that cereal you do, now that’s something you should concern yourself with. I mean WTF are other carbohydrates? Check those boxes, you think all them grams of sugar is good for your child? Ever wonder why a newborn is lactose intolerant? IT’S SUGAR FOLKS! Why are the giving our infants sugar? My son was lactose intolerant, back then I had no idea what lactose even was! You know what I wont lie, I never even looked at ingredients. I foolishly read the front of packages, heart healthy, healthy omega’s and other bullshit!
Until we learn it’s a gimmick people will continue to buy into that crap! But anyways don’t judge me or my choices and I won’t judge you and yours!
There are the occasional few who cannot use sucralose because of other issues. But most of us should be fine, it’s better than sugar or “natural” sugar!
Have a Great Day!
This is a great post. You said it well. Your choice is yours. People are so quick to condemn someone and then get defensive. What you said is very true. What works for one doesn’t always work for the other. Don’t let anyone ruin the great job you are doing. Evidently you are doing something right. Maybe some people are just trying to look out for you to and go about it all wrong. Anyway, great words there. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Can I just ask more about the sugar alcohols making you gain weight? I’ve found on Keto I’ve actually gained rather than lost and am wondering if possibly It could be the erythritol? Thanks in advance for any help or insight you might have.
The reason sugar alcohols make you stall or gain is because they’re derived from sugar and are another form of sugar. So it’s basically just like eating sugar. When using erythritol (I have a 5 lb bag sitting and rotting in my cupboard lol) it’s actually having an affect on your blood sugar, not allowing you to fully experience ketosis. When the blood sugar is affected the fat burning hormone stops. When there is no added sugars that fat burning hormone is produced and you start to lose. I would seriously recommend not using the sugar alcohols, do a search you’ll find they’re just like sugar and it’s a lie when they say diabetic friendly! Not all have this experience, but most do. I would say try any kind of sweeteners besides any that are sugar alcohols. You cannot really deduct them from carbs, that’s not really accurate. I have learned the hard way over the last year or so 🙂 Good Luck!!