Your Best Option for Advertising because it’s Affordable for Anyone!
I came across this post on facebook for Blip Billboards and my mind was blown almost instantly! I looked at their site and thought is this for real. I created some images and and I uploaded them to the site and thought, hmmm. I wonder and I went and checked reviews for them and they had a lot of good reviews and that’s all it took for me.
Blip Billboards are those digital billboards that changes every eight seconds or so. Imagine seeing your business advertised for a dollar a day on a billboard! Before I went through and added a card on the account, I had them give me a call to explain things to me. Not only did they explain to me how it works, they also explained a lot of other things about using a billboard which was very helpful in making my images for the billboard. I cannot remember the guys name that called me, but he was so nice and seemed very ready to help me with anything. He was very knowledgeable too. He explained to me that phone numbers aren’t the best choice to list on the Blip because people are passing by fast and chances are they won’t remember your number, but if you use 5 or 6 words and you list your Brand Name or Website (if it’s easy to remember), people will look you up if it’s something that is of interest to them.
I used my website because it’s easy to remember. It wasn’t my low carb site, but I’m considering advertising this one too. I advertised a home-based church school here in Alabama that I started a couple years ago. I have had like six calls so far for people who have seen my billboard flash by! Whoot, There It IS! They specifically told me they saw my sign! That was so exciting, because how much I have paid. Which you’ll see shortly it wasn’t much!
How do you create a campaign using Blip? Let me show you in this video!
So, head on over to BlipBillboards and give them a go, you won’t be sorry, besides you can control your budget and advertise in a very affordable way!
Love the service and look forward to advertising on a billboard on my own budget! Thanks, BLIPBILLBOARDS!
Thank You so much. I’m a small business owner and I signed up t start my ad campaign. When I got to the credit card part I froze. My gut said, “check this company out before handing over your credit card” I feel much better. May I ask how much you committed to your ad campaign?
I can’t give a dollar amount for all, because I still turn them on. I keep them low, a buck a day and a penny or two per blip. I keep it cheap because I can’t afford a lot and it works out perfect. I also had NO issues with giving them a credit card, you can add and remove them freely last time I switched my cards from one to another.