After having my DNA done at, I decided to look for other sites where you can upload your raw DNA Data to see what other items could be found using DNA. I wasn’t sure if there was something like this. So, I searched google for places you could upload your DNA for trait information and possible medical information too.
I also wanted to see what some of the other sites showed
I was really excited to get into Genome Link because you can do exactly what I mentioned. Genome Link seriously gives you a lot of information, some of which blew my mind! It was dead on for a lot of things. Then somethings were inconclusive or just not quite right, but not by much. Don’t get me wrong these were simple things like whether I had a tendency to like Red or White Wine! I hate them both! LOL So, inconclusive was okay.
I want to show you some samples of what I mean exactly by traits and tendencies.
Here are some of the features you get with Genome Link:
- Eye color
- Beard thickness
- Morning person
- Weight
- Red hair
- Black hair
- Motion sickness
- Lobe size
- Longevity
- Skin pigmentation
- Male-pattern baldness (AGA)
- Freckles
- Height
- Body fat mass
- Lean body mass
- Body fat percentage
- Visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio
- Waist
- Waist-hip ratio
- Breast size
- Sleep duration
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
- Extraversion
- Conscientiousness
- Openness
- Depression
- Anger
- Reward dependence
- Harm avoidance
- Gambling
- Novelty seeking
- Job-related exhaustion
- Childhood intelligence
- Hearing function
- Intelligence
- Mathematical ability
- Word reading ability
- Reading and spelling ability
- Hippocampal volume
- Protein intake
- Carbohydrate intake
- Red wine liking
- White wine liking
- Smell sensitivity for malt
- Smoking behavior
- Bitter taste
- Caffeine metabolite ratio
- Caffeine consumption
- Alcohol drinking behavior
- Egg allergy
- Peanuts allergy
- Milk allergy
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Response to vitamin E supplementation
- Folate
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Iron
- Alpha-linolenic acid
- Beta-carotene
- Blood glucose
- Endurance performance
Some of the items listed above are in the premium area of Genome Link, but it’s a cool bit of information to read. If you’ve had your DNA done at MyHeritage, Ancestry, and 23andme you can use this website to get even more information than just your ancestry information. I would recommend this website, it’s pretty interesting and I enjoyed reading what was available.
There is a whole other side of the site. I have yet to figure out, that doesn’t seem to be included in the premium membership as I don’t have access to it, so, I won’t discuss it since I don’t understand that DNA mumbo jumbo.
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