Update! Just a quick update!

Sorry the photo is blurry, but I had to use the only camera that was a live and it’s stuck on Macro so I have to do it close up, but still freaking blurry.
Yes I weighed myself again and it’s only cause I”m in Moderate Ketosis! Woot There it is! I went down two pounds since yesterday again and I’m feeling good! I just cannot wait for my TropicalTraditions.com Organic Virgin Coconut Oil to arrive tomorrow! 🙂
I just want to put it out there that I see a lot of people telling me how great I’m doing and that some of them are dieting and counting calories. Well even if you don’t want to go completely on this high fat diet, but if you just started to look at the processed food as a big fat NO NO, you would cut carbs instantly! Most meats have very low to 0 carbs in them, cheese are low carb, heavy cream is low carb, cream cheese is low carb, there are just really so many things you can eat. Carbs are just bad!
Our bodies werent built to burn all the carbs in processed foods that are consumed by us and our children, well you guys lol not us any more. Our bodies started to store the carbs as fat because we are full of carbs and that’s why some of us start to pack on the pounds, this isn’t the case with everyone. Metabolism plays a part as well, so if you are a high functioning person who’s active all the time, then sure you’re good. But someone like me and a lot of others I know, we just aren’t as lucky as the rest. I have been reading that atkins book and honestly he’s a doctor who lived his whole life on his own diet. I mean you can go to two different doctors and get told two completely different things such as I did. Just look in to if you need to drop pounds I mean try it for a few days you’ll see a difference in 3 days! You can do strength training if you’re already down to ideal weight with this diet too. Any one who is like I me, I honestly recommend it. I know that I cannot move that good, my body is sore, my feet hurt, my back hurts, my knees hurt and my gawd do my ankles kill me. So I know how it is to be this way and this diet has made a remarkable difference in just the 16 pound loss I had. AND REMEMBER HIGH FAT IS NOT BAD! Not from the good kind of fats, if you’re eating a whopper, oreos, processed junk that’s high in fat and carbs that’s horrible for you!
Think about it, I know I said it before, but I’m going to say it again because it makes sense! Before the process food industry came in to our lives we ate what? Meat, Cheese, Dairy, Eggs and Veggies! Right? oh fruits too. Fruits for now have too much sugar though and realistically aren’t as needed as you think! There are plenty of vegetables you can eat to cover any of the vitamins you THINK you are going to miss out on. I will be pulling a LCHF Grocery Haul in the upcoming week or two, this way I can show you what types of food I buy and how I’m doing this exactly.
My snacks consist of cheese and mustard, it’s so good. I cut off my brick 2 ounces and yes I use a scale to weigh some of my foods. Anyways I’m happy to report a loss again and happy to see the moderate ketones! woohooo!
Oh that scale up there says 314.2 and my last weigh in from last monday I was 314.6 so I lost 16 pounds and 4 ounces since I started June 23rd 2014. Since monday I lost 4 pounds!
Thanks for Reading and keeping up with me here! Have a Great Day!!
Your doing great Cuz, keep up the good job!!!!!!
You must be pretty darn smart to be able to figure all that out. I would of gave up a long time ago. Glad you are getting to where you want and need to be on that chart. Keep up the good work honey. Pretty soon mama will have to go and buy you a new outfit.
Wow, that’s awesome Marie. Keep those lost number up and your weigh down. I bet before the end of this year, you are under 300 already.
I’m hoping by at least the first week in to August I’ll be under 300 🙂